Books from the Black Lagoon…
Celebrating the new year and reminiscing on the bookkeeping adventures of 2024 at Athena Services Limited!
To Give or Not To Give…?
The holiday season is a time for generosity and showing appreciation but even established businesses can find themselves in a dilemma. Is it a gesture of goodwill or a potential ethical minefield? Read on as we explore the pros and cons of giving Christmas gifts to clients and hopefully, you’ll find your own answers.
Handling those Awkward Customers
Difficult customers are an inevitable part of any business. Whether they are angry, frustrated, or simply demanding, interactions with them can be challenging for even the most seasoned professionals.
Autumn Reset and Refresh
There is something really special about the onset of autumn, whether it comes a little late, with an Indian summer September, or sets in before the kids go back to school and you’re more worried about wellies than blazers...
Take a Break!
It’s summer at last. The kids are off school and everyone’s taking a break. So why not you?
Changes to employee rights – what to expect
This article highlights what changes have been announced and where you can obtain additional information. If you are an employee, it is worth ensuring you know your rights and if you are a sole businessperson, it is worthwhile knowing how these changes might affect your plans for growth.
Telling your story
Telling stories is how human beings communicate. It is how we have recounted events, explained our feelings, explored our world and understood each other since we were first able to communicate – from cave paintings to online documentaries. Every person and every entrepreneur and small business has its own unique story to tell.
UK General Election - What’s in it for Small Businesses?
What can small business owners expect over the next few weeks?
Get Growing
There’s no hiding from the fact that many business owners have experienced a gloomy winter so far: interest rate hikes are biting as hard as nasty north-easterly gales, and skills shortages and the spectre of inflation have been enough to dampen down whatever cheer has been left after the gongs and fireworks of new year celebrations.
To GoogleAds or not to GoogleAds? That is the Question
For many small businesses, GoogleAds seems to be a convenient, inexpensive way to market the business to customers, and the pay per click feature is one way of controlling your marketing spend. It can work brilliantly, although, unless you understand how to use the systems provided by Google - and they are not as clear cut as they seem - you can end up paying far more than you expect or intend to.